LPC Supervision

Supervision for LPC-Interns in Austin, TX
Finding the right fit for a supervisor is a critical component of our professional growth as clinicians. Ideally, your supervisor is someone who shares a similar approach and interests as you, someone you feel comfortable with and someone you think you can learn from.
I do my clinical work centered around collaboration, pragmatism, and compassion. I incorporate those same values into my supervision.
What I am looking for in an LPC-Intern
Ideally, LPC-Interns are working at an organization/agency as their primary site but are interested in building their own private caseload on the side. An interest in substance use is not a requirement, but it is a plus. A willingness to work from a harm reduction model is a requirement for those interested in substance use work.
Any LPC-Intern considering me as a supervisor should be highly ethical, motivated to learn, and work with clients from a strengths-based perspective.
Being curious, adaptable, and having a great sense of humor will make our working relationship better and will serve you well in this profession.
Some supervisors require interns to be in concurrent counseling throughout the supervisory relationship. I do not have this requirement, as I believe counseling works best when it is sought out of personal desire and readiness, versus requirement.
My approach as an LPC-Supervisor
In addition to my current private practice work, I have a broad range of experience working in various settings and with many different populations. I have experience working at or professionally collaborating with a medication assisted treatment program, Integral Care, Austin State Hospital, Austin Police Department CIT unit and the Travis County Sheriff’s Office (CIT and Corrections). This experience gives me a broader view of clients and the mental health field as a whole.
Taking what we learn in school and applying it to our client work can be one of the hardest parts of starting out. So much of what we learn is abstract—I work to make information relatable, tangible, and applicable for the work that you are doing in your settings.
I tailor my support to meet you where you are.
LPC Supervision logistics
I offer in-person or remote supervision. In-person sessions are provided at my office during mutually agreed upon hours.
For those interested in seeing private practice clients, limited space is available.
Beginning LPC-Intern supervision
If you think we may be a good fit, here are your next steps.
Send me an email letting me know your interest. Tell me a little about you, where you are in the LPC process (i.e. already working? Graduating soon?) and why you think you and I might be a good fit.
I will respond sending you an application which you will complete and return. If selected, you will be contacted to come in for an interview.
The next step would be an interview for us. This is where we will get to know each other and really determine if we are the best fit. During this time, we are interviewing each other, so bring your questions. This is mutual.
If we are ready to move forward, I will provide you with a list of documents that you will need to gather and turn in. Once those are in order, we will review and sign all necessary documents for the Texas Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors, as well as my required supervisory paperwork.
LPC-Intern helpful links and information
Substance use and mental health definitions
During the 84th Legislative session, changes were made to the Health and Human Services System. As of September 1, 2020 the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (BHEC) will provide oversight to Licensed Professional Counselors.